[The President and the Admissions Committee invite you to attend a meeting of the Provisional Members for the purpose of electing a Chairman.]
Chez Richard
Marlborough House
[Notification that Miss Ludlow was elected a provisional member of the Junior League of New York.]
[The pleasure of Miss Eleanor Hewitt's company is requested at the First Assembly.]
Le Coq Rouge
[Mr. and Mrs. Jay Freeborn Carlisle request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at a thé dansant in honour of Miss Alice Belmont.]
[The Misses de Peyster request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at a dinner in honour of their niece Miss Alice Townsend de Peyster.]
[Dr. & Mrs. Hugh Auchincloss request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at a dance in honour of their daughter Miss Maria Sloan Auchincloss.]
[Doctor Gouverneur Morris Phelps requests the pleasure of your company at a dinner in honour of his daughter Miss Helena Pelham Phelps.]
William S. Odom. Hotel Pierre, N.Y.C.
Street Scenes, 1900, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 61st St.
P.J. Moriarty Restaurants
The Lecture Committee requests the pleasure of your company at the second Conversational Meeting of the Nineteenth Century Club
[Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Whitney, Miss Eleanor Stanton Whitney request the pleasure of Miss Louise Ludlow's company at a dinner dance.]
The Honorable Abraham D. Beame Mayor of the City of New York requests the pleasure of your company