[The President and the Admissions Committee invite you to attend a meeting of the Provisional Members for the purpose of electing a Chairman.]
Chez Richard
Marlborough House
[The pleasure of Miss Eleanor Hewitt's company is requested at the First Assembly.]
[Notification that Miss Ludlow was elected a provisional member of the Junior League of New York.]
Le Coq Rouge
[Mr. and Mrs. Jay Freeborn Carlisle request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at a thé dansant in honour of Miss Alice Belmont.]
[The Misses de Peyster request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at a dinner in honour of their niece Miss Alice Townsend de Peyster.]
William S. Odom. Hotel Pierre, N.Y.C.
[Dr. & Mrs. Hugh Auchincloss request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at a dance in honour of their daughter Miss Maria Sloan Auchincloss.]
[Doctor Gouverneur Morris Phelps requests the pleasure of your company at a dinner in honour of his daughter Miss Helena Pelham Phelps.]
P.J. Moriarty Restaurants
Street Scenes, 1900, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 61st St.
The Lecture Committee requests the pleasure of your company at the second Conversational Meeting of the Nineteenth Century Club
[Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Whitney, Miss Eleanor Stanton Whitney request the pleasure of Miss Louise Ludlow's company at a dinner dance.]
The Honorable Abraham D. Beame Mayor of the City of New York requests the pleasure of your company