Winchester Post, No. 197, G. A. R.
Grand Army of the Republic. Memorial Exercises at the Academy of Music
G. A. R. Memorial Day
G.A.R. Memorial Day
Memorial Day G.A.R.
Order of Exercises for Decorating Soldiers' Graves at Cypress Hill Cemetery
Society of the Army of the Potomac
[General orders for Decoration Day.]
Parade, Daughters of the G.A.R., Fifth Ave. & 25th St.
Memorial Service commemorative of the late Gen. U. S. Grant
Brooklyn Academy of Music, Grand Opening Entertainment
[Invitation to the first annual meeting of the Electric Club on Thursday, April 21 at Hotel Dam.]
Veteran Firemen's Association of the City of New York
Twenty-Sixth Anniversary, Camp Fire Re-Union, Tenth Regiment New York Volunteers.
The Maritime Association of the Port of New York Seventh Annual Banquet