American Red Cross Society Second War Fund
Seating Arrangement. Dinner. American Red Cross Second War Fund
Second Red Cross War Fund
Allied Theatrical & Motion Picture Ball, American Red Cross 2nd War Fund;;
2nd Red Cross War Fund, Sexton
2nd War Fund - Official
Eighteenth Anniversary Dinner of the Fifth Avenue Association
Testimonial Luncheon tendered to Hon. John A. Harriss, Special Deputy Police Commissioner of the City of New York
[Red Cross.]
Help the Red Cross
Seating List. Dinner in Honor of the British and French War Commissions Given by the Mayor of the City of New York
Déjeuner offert par l'Institut Français aux Etats-Unis à Monsieur André Tardieu
[French Commission reception.]
To meet the members of the British and French War Commissions the Mayor of the City of New York requests the honour of your presence
Dinner in Honor of the British and French War Commissions Given by the Mayor of the City of New York