Dinner in Honour of General Robert Nivelle in the eve of his Departure for France. Seating List
First Public Banquet held in celebration of Columbus Day
Dinner in honour of His Excellency Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France, given by the France-America Society
Dinner in honor of His Eminence Bonaventure Cardinal Cerretti given by the Supreme Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus
Dinner to the Right Honourable Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty, G.C.B., O.M., D.S.O.
Dinner in honour of His Excellency the Right Honorable the Earl of Reading, G.C.B.
The pleasure of your company is requested at a Testimonial Dinner to Madame Marie Curie-Sklodowska
Dinner in honour of the Military Board of Allied Supply
Testimonial Dinner to the Right Reverend William T. Manning, D.D. Bishop of New York
Dinner to the Visiting Members and Ladies of the H.M.M.B.A. by the Hotel Association of New York
Second Annual Dinner United Hunts Racing Association
The Banquet in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tschirky
Dinner in Honour of His Royal Highness Edward Prince of Wales
Dinner in honour of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, Commander-in-Chief and Rear-Admiral Frederick Tower Hamilton
Dinner to the Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States from Canada the Honourable Vincent Massey, P.C.
A Tribute to Albert Ottinger, Attorney General by his Friends