[Wedding of Ella Fortmeyer and John P. Deas.]
[Marriage of Maria T. Ball and James A. Waltron.]
Albert E. Stillman [Marriage to Sarah A. Du Pont.]
Sarah A. Du Pont [Marriage to Albert E. Stillman.]
Ella Fortmeyer [Wedding to John P. Deas.]
John P. Deas [Wedding to Ella Fortmeyer.]
[Wedding of Jennie MacKnight and E. Howard Mosher.]
[Wedding of Adele Louise Faile and John A. Browning.]
[Marriage of Flora Springer and Simon Strauss.]
[Wedding of Elizabeth Agnes Brown and Herbert Alan Kingsbury.]
[Wedding of Sarah A. Du Pont and Albert E. Stillman.]
[Marriage of Hattie F. Eidlitz and Schuyler Quackenbush.]
Abbie A. Hartley [Marriage to Frederick B. Wightman.]
Edward N. Pomeroy [Marriage to Emma G. Fitch.]
Emma G. Fitch [Marriage to Edward N. Pomeroy.]
Mary E. St. John
[Park Avenue and 85th Street.]
Fred'k. B. Wightman [Marriage to Abbie A. Hartley.]