Annual Reception of the Friendly Circle
Annual Ball of the Thomas Coman Association
N.Y. Zouave
Order of Exercises attending the Unveiling of the Volunteer Firemen's Monument
Lady Hall's Association. Grand Masquerade Ball
Annual Ball of the James Dunphy Association
James Dunphy Association Annual Ball
Society of Ninth Company Veterans
Robbery of the National Apple Orchard
Annual Ball of Columbian Hook & Ladder Company, 14
Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-Coming Troops. Review and Parade of the 27th Division
[Contribution to the building of a monument on the battlefield of Gettysburg.]
Ninth Annual Ball of Lexington Engine Company, No. 7
Prospect Association Grand Masquerade Ball
Jewish War Veterans of the United States
Annual Ball of the John Murray Association
Second Grand Annual Masque and Civic Ball of the Lawrence L. Hart Association