Dinner of the Society of Methodist Preachers' Sons, Inc.
Songs. Twenty-third Annual Dinner of the New York Association of the Alumni of the Phillips Exeter Academy
Thirtieth Annual Dinner of the New York Southern Society
Twenty-third Annual Dinner of the New York Association of the Alumni of the Phillips Exeter Academy
Anniversary Dinner of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Annual Dinner of the New York County Lawyers Association
The St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York 165th Anniversary Dinner
[Hoi Scolasticoi second annual dinner.]
Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York One Hundredth Annual Dinner
One hundred and Fifty-third Anniversary Dinner St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
The Societe Culinaire Philanthropique de New York, Inc. 1865-2002
Society of American Dramatists and Composers Annual Meeting Season 1912-1913
Annual Dinner of the Fifth Avenue Association, Inc.
Annual Banquet of the Canadian Society of New York
Seating List. Annual Dinner of the Broadway Association
Table Assignments, Annual Bar Dinner of the New York County Lawyers' Association
Thirty-seventh Annual Dinner New York State Hotel Men's Association
The Pennsylvania Society. The Twenty-third Annual Dinner held in the City of New York
Annual Dinner of the Broadway Association On Its Tenth Anniversary