Ceremonies Attending the Unveiling of the Statue of William E. Dodge, Armory of the 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y.
Unveiling of the Statue of General William T. Sherman
[Statue of William Earle Dodge.]
Unveiling of the Statue of George Washington
[William Earl Dodge sculpture.]
[Statue of William Tecumseh Sherman.]
Unveiling Ceremonies of the Brownson Monument at Riverside Park
Inauguration of the Statue of Liberty
Sixth Annual Dinner of the Ichthyophagous Club
Unveiling of the Statue of Joan of Arc
[The Great God Pan statue.]
[William Shakespeare Statue.]
[Farragut Statue.]
[Statue of William Culllen Bryant.]
Liberty Enlightening the World. Dedication Ceremonies Unveiling the Statue of Liberty!
[William Seward statue.]
[William T. Sherman statue.]