Official Reception to Mrs. Clemington Corson, Jr.
Official Reception to Their Royal Highnesses the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Sweden
Official Reception to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur
Reception to His Royal Highness Edward Prince of Wales
His Eminence Cardinal McCloskey.
[Invitation on behalf of Mayor James J. Walker to attend official reception in honor of Major Mario De Bernardi at City Hall on November 24, 1926.]
Ceremonies Attending the Reception of the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty
Reception to Japanese Commission, City Hall, Sept. 27, 1917
[Adoption of the new official city flag and celebration of the 250th anniversary of the installation of the first Mayor and Board of Aldermen.]
The bearer will be admitted to the Centenary Exercises in the Mayor's Reception Room
Official Reception to Captain Charles A. Lindbergh
Reception to Their Majesties Albert I, King of the Belgians and Queen Elizabeth
[Reception to Japanese Commission.]
Grand Reception of Kossuth
Presentation of Medals to Members of the Fire and Police Departments for distinguished service in the performance of duty during 1937
The Conferring of the Degree of Doctor of Laws on His Eminence, Desideratus, Cardinal Mercier
Reception to Ambassador James W. Gerard, at City Hall. March 16, 1917.
The City of New York - 1609-1930