First Annual Soiree of the Mozart Union & Literary Association
Musicale and Literary Entertainment
Salmagundi Club
First Reception of the Entre Nous Literary & Social Club
Literary and Musical Entertainment at Simpson M.E. Church
Annual Reception of the Lady Violets
Columbian Club, Season 1895-1896, Stag
Irving Literary Union Celebration
[The Knickerbocker Club, tender to Honorable Charles Mills, the privileges of their Club House for the period of one week.]
[Invitation to a meeting at the City Club on Monday, April 17.]
The Lecture Committee requests the pleasure of your company at the second Conversational Meeting of the Nineteenth Century Club
A Grand Cap and Apron Ball of Brooklyn Council , No. 136, Order of United Friends
Musical & Literary Entertainment, to be given by the "Young People's Association" of the Sixth Ave. Baptist Church
Bachelor Club Fourth Season
[Dinner with Mr. Astor on February 3.]
36th Anniversary Entertainment & Reception of Magnolia Lodge, 166, I.O.O.F.
Second Annual Invitation Ball of the Lexington Social Club
Second Entertainment of the Sarsaparilla Islanders
[Joint Meeting of the Phrenocosmian and Clionian Literary Societies.]
Ball of the Terpsichore Club