Mr. J. W. Cogswell, as Marquis De Presles, in the "Two Orphans."
Mr. Stuart Robson, as Picard, in the "Two Orphans."
[Sara Jewett as Henrietta in "The Two Orphans".]
[Kitty Blanchard as Henriette in "The Two Orphans".]
Kate Claxton, as Louise, in the "Two Orphans."
Kitty Blanchard, as Henriette, in the "Two Orphans."
Mr. McKee Rankin, as Jacques Frochard, in the "Two Orphans."
[F. F. Mackay as Pierre Frochard in "The Two Orphans".]
Miss Kate Claxton, as Louise, in the "Two Orphans."
Miss Kitty Blanchard, as Henriette, in the "Two Orphans."
Mr. Charles R. Thorne, Jr., as Chevalier De Vandrey, in the "Two Orphans."
[F. F. Mackay as Pierre in "The Two Orphans".]
Mr. F. F. Mackay, as Pierre Frochard, in the "Two Orphans."