Miss Ida Vernon, As Sister Genevieve, Matron of La Salpetriere, in the "Two Orphans."
["The Two Orphans" theater still.]
Miss Kate Claxton, as Louise, in the "Two Orphans."
Miss Kitty Blanchard, as Henriette, in the "Two Orphans."
[Sara Jewett as Henrietta in "The Two Orphans".]
Miss Kate Claxton, as Louise, in the "Two Orphans." Union Square Theatre.
Kitty Blanchard, as Henriette, in the "Two Orphans."
Kate Claxton, as Louise, in the "Two Orphans."
[Kitty Blanchard as Henriette in "The Two Orphans".]
[Thomas E. Morris as the Doctor in "The Two Orphans".]
Mrs. Marie Wilkins, As La Frochard, Mother of Pierre and Jacques, in the "Two Orphans."
Miss Kate Claxton and Miss Kitty Blanchard, as the "Two Orphans."
Mrs. Marie Wilkins. As La Frochard, Mother of Pierre and Jacques, in the "Two Orphans"
Miss Fanny Morant, as Countess Diane De Linieres, in the "Two Orphans."
[F. F. Mackay as Pierre Frochard in "The Two Orphans".]