[Margalo Gillmore as Sesaly Blaine in "Man's Estate".]
[Margalo Gillmore as Helen Pettigrew in "Berkeley Square".]
[Margalo Gillmore as Colomba in "Volpone".]
Margalo Gillmore.
[Margalo Gillmore as Kukachin in "Marco Millions".]
[Margalo Gillmore as Henrietta Moulton-Barrett in "The Barretts of Wimpole Street".]
[Katharine Cornell as Linda Easterbrook (Linda Paige) and Margalo Gillmore as Amanda Smith in "No Time for Comedy".]
[Margalo Gillmore as Consuelo in "He Who Gets Slapped".]
[Jessie Busley as Mrs. Morehead in "The Women".]
[Adrienne Marden as Peggy (Mrs. John Day) in "The Women".]
[Margalo Gillmore as Venice Pollen and Katharine Cornell as Iris Fenwick in "The Green Hat".]