[Invitation to attend a meeting at the Lotos Club on November 30.]
[Invitation to the first annual meeting of the Electric Club on Thursday, April 21 at Hotel Dam.]
[Special meeting of the Governing Committee of the Union Club held on August 3 concerning the death of Clarence A. Seward.]
[Aideen O'Connor in "Spring Meeting".]
[Invitation to a meeting at the City Club on Monday, April 17.]
East 14th Street [Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, West 3rd Street to 23rd Street]
[East 14th Street and Broadway.]
[Special meeting of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York to mourn the death of Abraham Lincoln on April 18.]
197th Dinner of Ye Twilight Club
Club Building [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
East 14th Street and Fourth Ave. Klein's Storage. Interior
[Opening reception of annual exhibition at Salmagundi Club on January 14.]
Theatre, Keith's Union Square, 14th Street.
[Women looking at window display on 14th Street.]
[Union League Club letter to members concerning efforts to increase membership.]
Rawlins Club, No. 453 Fourth Ave. [Meeting to be held on February 5.]
East Room [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]