Club, 5th Ave. & 63rd St.
A Map of Property to be Sold at Auction by Anthony J. Bleecker
Lotus Club, 5th Ave. and 41st N.Y.
[City Club., Engineers Club., 35th St. and 5th Ave. NY.]
Club, Lotus, 558 Fifth Ave. & 46th Street.
Democratic Club, 50th St. and 5th Ave.
Clubs, Lotus Club.
Ladies' Calico Reception of the Bay Ridge Club.
Large Sale of Valuable Building Lots at Yorkville in the City of New York
Education, Meetings, Cooper Institute Club.
Autumn Meeting, Country Club.
Philharmonic Society of New York. Forty-Fourth Season, First Concert
The New York Firemen's Cycle Club
Street Scenes, 1901, 5th Ave. 60st to 60th Sts (Gerry House).