What the "Peep O'Day" Alarm Clock Did!
Duke of Durham
Standard of the World Smoking Tobacco. J.R. Day & Bro.
Allen's Jewel Five Cent Plug
Lorillard's 5¢ Ante
Dutton & Rhodes
A Changed Man
Canfield Dress Shields
The Young Auctioneer
A Kiss in the Dark.
The Old Way. The New Way.
The World of Tomorrow. New York World's Fair.
Brainerd & Armstrong Spool Silk
Iron Duke Cigarette
Rhymes for Young Democrats
Performance: A Study In Complete Absorption ; Intermission: A Study In Spontaneous Combustion
[Transformation of unidentified street from 1823 to about 1850.]
Pianos, Ricca & Son.
Blackwell's Durham
"Gypsy Queen" Cigarettes