Ira Perego, Patent Bosom Shirts
Ira Perego
Union Adams, Importer and Manufacturer of Fine Furnishing Goods
P. J. Ulrich, Importer and Manufacturer of Artistic Materials
M. Schulz, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, &c.
Doremus, Suydam & Nixon Importers & Jobbers of Dry Goods
B. Sheridan
J. Leach
M. Howes, Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Read's Grand Duchess Cologne
Ovington Brothers' Announcement of New Importations
Hanover Fire Insurance Co.
Shaw & Rousseaux
George Brodie, Importer and Manufacturer of Cloaks and Mantillas
Pacent Electric Co., Inc.
Metropolitan Manufacturing Co.
Pulsating Pen Print
C. Dethloff, Manufacturer and Importer of Fine Havana Cigars
Robert Chapman & Co.