Compliments of D. H. Tonjes, Grocer
Wholesale Trade Grocers 1897, Clark, Chapin and Bushnell - 177 Duane St.
Wholesaler and Retailer
Lewie's Wholesale and Retail Jewelry Establishment
J. B. Eckert, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Butter & Cheese
From J. B. Eckert, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Butter & Cheese
Fancy & Windsor Chair Manufactory, Wholesale & Retail
Rogers & Raymond Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Clothing
George G. Nason Fine Shoes
Geo. F. Brotzmann, Grocer
Daniel Williams, Grocer
Maguire Bros., Restaurant & Dining Rooms
[Marriage of Robert John Orr and Lettitia Newby.]
[Carmine and Bleecker Streets.]
[South side of Carmine Street between Bleecker and Bedford Streets.]
Wholesale Trade Poultry 1906, August Siltz Market, 267 Washington St.
Poe's Neighbors