Shaker Extract of Roots (Seigel's Syrup)
Where Will You Have Them? Smoke the "Capadura" Cigar
A Short Stop! Smoke the "Capadura" Cigar
Two Men Out and Three Men on Bases! Smoke the "Capadura" Cigar
Behind the Bat. Three Men on Bases and No Men Out! Smoke the "Capadura" Cigar
Chas. M. Porcher, with Jackson & Chace
Miss S. Wolfsbruck
John S. Hawley & Co., Pure Confectionery
Duane Street [Collect Pond to Fulton Street]
Harral, Risley & Kitchen
Button & Ottley
Chambers Street, North Side, Between Church Street and West Broadway
Van Beil's "Rye and Rock"
Broadway and Duane Street [Broadway & Murray to Broadway & Canal Street]