Closing Exercises of the Class of '90, of the Van Norman Institute
Van Norman Institute for Young Ladies and Children. Thirty-Third Annual Commencement
Van Norman Institute. Closing Exercises.
Graduation Exercises of Public School 64
Order of Exercises for Commencement at the Spingler Institute
Graduating Exercises, Class of 1887.
Graduation Exercises of Class of '97.
Graduating Exercises of the Class of 1882, Grammar School, No. 47
Public School 67. Closing Exercises
Commencement Exercises, Public School No. 70
P. S. 10, Manhattan Closing Exercises
Washington Irving High School Programme of Graduating Exercises
Mrs. Van Norman. At Home.
Graduating Exercises of the De Witt Clinton High School
Class Day Exercises of the Senior Class, De Witt Clinton High School