Van Norman Institute. Closing Exercises.
[Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Chauncey request the pleasure of the Misses Pierrepont's company.]
Annual Commencement of the Boys' Department, Public School No. 32
[498 Ninth Avenue]
West Side of Fifth Ave. 37 to 38 Sts.
West Side of Fifth Ave. 38 to 39 Sts.
DeSanti's Restaurant
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 38 to 37 Sts.
[Meeting with graduates of the Van Norman Institute after closing exercises.]
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 39 to 38 Sts.
Russell A. Pettengill [residence]. Street entrance 150.
Russell A. Pettengill [residence]. Entrance hall 150.
Van Norman Institute for Young Ladies and Children. Thirty-Third Annual Commencement
Russell A. Pettengill [residence]. Bed room.
Russell A. Pettengill [residence], 150 East 38th Street. Living room to window.
Russel A. Pettengill [residence], 150 East 38th Street. Living room door detail.
At Home
Russell A. Pettengill [residence]. Court from street II.
Russell A. Pettengill [residence]. Sharp view from east.
[Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt request the pleasure of Mr. & Mrs. Van Rensselaer's company.]