Van Norman Institute. Closing Exercises.
[Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Chauncey request the pleasure of the Misses Pierrepont's company.]
Annual Commencement of the Boys' Department, Public School No. 32
[498 Ninth Avenue]
West Side of Fifth Ave. 38 to 39 Sts.
West Side of Fifth Ave. 37 to 38 Sts.
DeSanti's Restaurant
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 39 to 38 Sts.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 38 to 37 Sts.
[Meeting with graduates of the Van Norman Institute after closing exercises.]
Russell A. Pettengill [residence]. Street entrance 150.
Van Norman Institute for Young Ladies and Children. Thirty-Third Annual Commencement
Russell A. Pettengill [residence]. Bed room.
Russell A. Pettengill [residence]. Entrance hall 150.
Russell A. Pettengill [residence]. Sharp view from east.
At Home
Russell A. Pettengill [residence], 150 East 38th Street. Living room to window.
Russel A. Pettengill [residence], 150 East 38th Street. Living room door detail.
The Murray Hill Estate
Russell A. Pettengill [residence]. Court from street II.