M. House, Attorney & Counsellor at Law
M. Howes, Attorney and Counsellor at Law
George Welsh, Attorney & Counsellor at Law
E. G. Blackford
Wm. H. Dusenberry, Attorney & Counselor at Law
Fifty-Eighth Dinner of Ye Twilight Club.
E.B. Orcutt, Restaurant and Lunch Room
The New Tribune Building.
The Mustang Bank
Henry Emonnet and M. Laforgue, & Co.
Seth M. Harris
Fancy & Windsor Chair Manufactory, Wholesale & Retail
Walking Down Broadway
Mayhew & Castellanos, Gold Brokers
[R.S. Orcutt.]
New York, Boston and Northern Railway Co.
George A. McDermott
Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States. Reception at The Lawyers' Club, April 29, 1889