[One-month extension of honorary membership to the Union League Club for Charles Thomas Mills.]
[Honorary membership to the New York Yacht Club for the Honorable Charles Thomas Mills during his stay in New York.]
[The Knickerbocker Club, tender to Honorable Charles Mills, the privileges of their Club House for the period of one week.]
[Union Club dinner.]
[A dinner of the members of the Hobby Club on May 1.]
The Union Club, N. Y. City.
Club Building [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
Dinner in honor of the Building Committee of the Union Club, given by the Governing Committee
Maple Room [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
Office [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
Main Hall [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
Main Stairway [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
East Room [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
Kitchen [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
51st Street and Fifth Avenue. The Union Club
Second Floor Hall [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
Mahogany Room [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
Dining room [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]
Third Floor Hall [Union Club, 1 East 51st Street.]