The Genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills Are a Sure Cure for Sick Head-ache
Old Houses King & Varick Sts. By Bernhard Wall.
[No. 107 Varick Street.]
[189 Varick Street.)
Varick Street
[Richmond Hill House of Theatre.]
[Map of Intersection of Spring Street and Varick Street]
A View of the present Seat of his Excl. the Vice President of the United States
470 Broome St. N.W. Cor. Green [Greene] St.
U.S. Appraisers Stores, 201 Varick Street
[San Salvador Church.]
[512-514 Broome Street]
75 Varick Street. Holland Plaza Building
[Testimonial to regular and punctual attendance, correct deportment and diligent attention to study.]
[Dutch Reformed Church, Broome Street.]
Broome Street & Greene Street [Broome Street through Central Park]
Japanese Fan Co.