Suit in magenta and violet mohair bouclé with damask blouse
Coat in cranberry mohair boucle
Evening ensemble in cream and tan wool with lace blouse
Evening dress in gold metallic matelassé
Coat in navy blue and white silk check
Evening dress in aqua and violet brocaded sari fabric
Day ensemble: Suit in black and white strié worsted with coordinating printed silk blouse
Day ensemble in navy silk composite diamond twill comprising dress and jacket
Dress and jacket ensemble in printed black and white silk with self appliqué detail
Dinner suit in camel and black wool with white silk damask blouse
Summer dinner dress and jacket in black and white gingham with lace overlay
Ensemble comprising dress and jacket in midnight blue and beige taffeta printed with number sign
Evening dress and scarf in purple and green printed chiffon
Short evening dress in "Mainbocher red" satin
Suit in blue-grey wool with alternate blouses
Pea jacket in black fur seal
Suit in dark blue wool with pearl ball buttons
Evening ensemble in silver and gold metallic check and black jersey
Cocktail dress in black mohair and alpaca boucle
Day suit in pastel blue, pink and yellow plaid mohair boucle comprising jacket and skirt