27 Months [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
3 Years & 3 Mo. 1906 [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
15 Months [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
2nd Christmas - 15 Months [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
3 Years & 3 Months, 1906 [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
4th Christmas 1906 [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
3rd Christmas - 27 Months [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
6 Yrs. & 4 Months 1909 [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
The first six years of William B. Leeds [Portrait of William B. Leeds.]
7 Months [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
6 Years & 4 Months 1909 [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
3 Months [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]
The first six years of William B. Leeds [Two portraits of William B. Leeds.]
4 Years & 3 Mo. 1907 [The first six years of William B. Leeds.]