Dinner in Honor of the Foreign Delegates to the Second Pan American Financial Congress
Luncheon tendered to the Minister of Foreign Relations and the Special Mission of the United States of Venezuela
Seventh Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
A Dinner: Given in Honor of the Creators of the Bronx River Parkway
Dinner in Honor of the Imperial Japanese Commission to the United States of America
Dinner in Honor of the Italian Royal Commission to the United States of America
Annual Dinner Second Panel, Sheriff's Jury
Seventeenth Annual Banquet of the Ohio Society of New York
Complimentary Dinner tendered to the General Officers and Flag Officers in the Vicinity of New York
Eighth Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Dinner in honor of the Hon. Theodore Roosevelt Governor of the State of New York
Dinner to the Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States from Canada the Honourable Vincent Massey, P.C.
Seating Arrangement. Dinner. American Red Cross Second War Fund
One Hundred and Forty-second Annual Banquet of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York
Testimonial Dinner to S. Davies Warfield on behalf of the National Association of Owners of Railroad Securities
Friendship Dinner to Rt. Rev. Patrick J. Hayes, D.D., Bishop Auxiliary of New York
Dinner to the Honorable Morgan J. O'Brien
Dinner In Honor of Mrs. Hoover