Dinner to Gov. Benjamin B. Odell, Jr.
[Benjamin Odell with an unidentified candidate.]
B. B. Odell, Jr.
Our Governor - B. B. Odell Jr.
[B. B. Odell, Jr.]
For Governor - B. B.Odell, Jr. - For Lieu't Governor - Geo. R. Sheldon
Odell Higgins
[Theodore Roosevelt, B. B. Odell. Jr., and William McKinley.]
Republican County Committee
993 Fifth Avenue. H. Reisinger residence. Interior, Mrs. R.'s room
Stairway from first landing [Residence of William B. Leeds 987 5th Avenue, New York.]
Exterior [Residence of William B. Leeds 987 5th Avenue, New York.]
Playroom [Residence of William B. Leeds 987 5th Avenue, New York.]
[Louis Stern-Hugo Reisinger residence, 993 Fifth Avenue. Interior, gallery.]
Mrs. Leeds' bedroom [Residence of William B. Leeds 987 5th Avenue, New York.]
Entrance [Residence of William B. Leeds 987 5th Avenue, New York.]
[B. N. Duke Residence, 1074 5th Avenue.]
Salon [Residence of William B. Leeds 987 5th Avenue, New York .]