The German Band
Bock Bier
Button Fire Engine Works
J. & P. Coats Best Six Cord Thread
[Construction of the Ashokan Dam.]
Bishops Falls, Brown's Station.
[Cigar box label.]
Bird's-Eye View Bishop Falls. Prospective Site of the Ashokan Reservoir, Ashokan, N. Y.
Museum of the City of New York
Riverside Drive, from Hudson River Near Eighty-sixth Street, New York.
The Genuine Murray & Lanman Florida Water
Bird's - eye, Dreamland Tower, Coney Island, N. Y.
N.Y.T.W. Century Survivor
Grant's Tomb and Claremont, New York.
Veteran Fireman's Ass'n City of New York Inauguration of the Opening of the Volunteer Fireman's Home
Hudson River and Grant's Tomb, New York City.
The Morning Papers
LIRR M Tours
"El Universo"