Admit the Bearer to the Steamer "Hendrick Hudson"of the Hudson River Day Line
Hendrick Hudson, H. R. Day Line
Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-Coming Troops
[Hudson River Day Line steamer "Albany."]
[Hudson River Day Line steamer "New York."]
[Hendrick Hudson Steamboat.]
Hudson River Day Line Steamer. "Albany."
Hudson River Day Line, S.S. "Hendrick Hudson" Launching.
United States Atlantic Fleet Land Parade
[Welcome of the Atlantic Fleet by the City of New York Smoker.]
Welcome of the Atlantic Fleet by the City of New York Smoker
Graduation Boat Trip and Picnic of Institute for Crippled and Disabled--Hudson River Day Line
untitled [Atlantic Fleet in the Hudson River]
Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States
U.S. Battleships Anchored in the Hudson River, New York City
Ships, (Warships), American White Squadron, North River.
Parade, Prince Louis of Battenberg visit to New York.
Scenes Along the Hudson River New York to Albany.
Up Fifth Avenue Again in 1937. The American Legion National Convention Parade