Complimentary Dinner tendered to the General Officers and Flag Officers in the Vicinity of New York
Dinner in honour of Field Marshal Viscount Kitchener of Khartoum
Dinner in honour of His Excellency Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France, given by the France-America Society
Dinner in honor of the visiting Officers of the German Squadron
Dinner in Honour of His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury by the Pilgrims of the United States
[Seating arrangement for the dinner in honour of His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury by the Pilgrims of the United States.]
To meet Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, O.M., G.C.B., G.C.V.O.
Committee of Arrangements
Dinner by the Officers and Directors of the New York National Exchange Bank 1851-1901
Sixteenth Annual Banquet, Lieutenants' Benevolent Association
First Annual Dinner of the New York City Police Endowment Association
Seating List According to Tables. 23rd Annual Banquet of the New York State Association of Real Estate Boards