Dinner in Compliment to Our Honorary Members
Complimentary Dinner Tendered to Hon. Alfred E. Smith, Hon. Victor J. Dowling, Hon. Morgan J. O'Brien, Hon. Owen D. Young and Hon. Perry Belmont
To Alfred E. Smith For Distinguished Social Service to the City of New York
[Al Smith surrounded by Boy Rangers.]
[Al Smith with Hebert Hoover and another man at an automobile show.]
[Al Smith with his wife and three of their children in the Executive Mansion.]
Grand Street Boys Association
[Al Smith at the Executive Mansion.]
[Al Smith presiding over a session of the Committee of the Whole in Albany.]
[Al Smith and another man at the State Office Building.]
[Al Smith and others listening to the Democratic National Convention on the radio.]
Bar Association of Nassau County
[Al Smith with his wife (neé Catherine Ann Dunn) at the Executive Mansion.]
[Al Smith laying the cornerstone of the Mid-Hudson Bridge.]
[Al Smith fishing.]
[Al Smith with his grand-daughter, Mary Adam Warner.]