Inauguration of Edward O. Bragdon, of New York, and Roland G. Curtin, of Pennsylvania As President and Vice-President of the National Provident Union
[Certificate of membership to the New York Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America.]
Float - Order of the Cinncinnati
First Entertainment Given Under the Auspices of the Committee on Intellectual Advancement of Abarbanel Lodge No. 92, I.O.B.B.
The President and Officers of the New York State Society of the Cincinnati request the honor of the company of the Reverend W. H. Owen, D.D. and Lady
Fourteenth St., East from Sixth Ave., N. Y. City.
American Legion 7th Annual Convention - New York City
Theatre, Keith's Union Square, 14th Street.
W. F. Tway, Pianos and Organs
Union Square, north from 14th Street, New - York.
197th Dinner of Ye Twilight Club
[Union Square.]
14th Street between Fifth Avenue and Broadway. Commercial buildings and apartments
[Blizzard of 1888.]
Wilcox & White, Improved Organs
Fancy dress ball at Tamany Hall, Nov. 15, '06.