Seventh Dinner of the Hobby Club of New York
First Dinner of the Hobby Club of New-York at the Metropolitan Club
Ye Feaste for ye XXII tyme of ye companye known as ye Hobbie Clube of ye Citye of New Yorke
Second Dinner of the Hobby Club of New York
[A dinner of the members of the Hobby Club on December 19.]
[Madison Avenue and 70th Street.]
[Richard Morris Hunt Memorial.]
Banquet in Celebration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Harmonie Club of the City of New York, 1852-1912
[Madison Avenue, looking south from 70th Street.]
Lenox Library, N. Y. City.
[Looking north from the corner of 70th Street and Madison Avenue.]
Lenox Library, New York
2 East 70th Street at 5th Avenue. Blair Residence, general exterior.
Presbyterian Hospital; Madison Ave. and 70th Street, New York