Dedication Exercises. New York State Roosevelt Memorial
Dedication of the New York State Theodore Roosevelt Memorial
[Dedication of the memorial built by the State of New York in honor of Theodore Roosevelt.]
President Roosevelt and his Sons.
[Portrait of Teddy Roosevelt in a parade in his honor.]
[Teddy Roosevelt waves to the crowd at a parade in his honor.]
[Simon Bolivar Memorial.]
Roosevelt Family
[Portrait of Teddy Roosevelt in the Roosevelt Parade.]
President Roosevelt and Family.
Soldiers and Sailors Monument
[Guiseppe Verdi Monument.]
[Teddy Roosevelt addressing the crowd at a parade in his honor.]
[Teddy Roosevelt addressing the crowd in the Roosevelt Parade.]
[Teddy Roosevelt in a parade in his honor.]
American Museum of Natural History. Opening of the New Building
Central Park West between West 77th Street and West 81st Street. American Museum of Natural History. Roosevelt Memorial