Goelet Lodge, No. 918 Free and Accepted Masons. Official Visitation of R. W. Alfred E. Hochstein
Independent Lodge No. 185 F. & A.M. [Summons to attend regular meeting on September 25.]
Independent Lodge No. 185 F. & A.M. [Summons to attend regular meeting on March 27.]
Masonic Temple, 23rd and 6th Avenue, New York City.
Masonic Temple, 23rd St. & 6th Ave, New York.
Building, Knights of Columbus, 305 East 23rd Street.
[Masonic Temple, 6th Avenue and 23rd Street.]
West 23rd Street at the corner of 6th Avenue. Rendering of proposed building on site of Old Masonic Temple.
M. Gumpert, Importer of French Millinery Goods
49-51 West 23rd Street. General exterior.
23rd St., East from 6th Ave., N. Y. City.
Proctor's 23rd St. Theatre
S. Bloomfield
The Empty Lot
Sixth Avenue and 23rd Street [Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue]
City Lodging House, 23rd Street & First Avenue -- lodgers taking compulsary bath, "Well-nourished" fat.