Winchester Post, No. 197, G. A. R.
[Winchester Post, No. 197, G. A. R. entertainment planned for February 14 at the Academy of Music.]
Grand Army of the Republic. Memorial Exercises at the Academy of Music
Order of Exercises for Decorating Soldiers' Graves at Cypress Hill Cemetery
Memorial Service commemorative of the late Gen. U. S. Grant
[General orders for Decoration Day.]
Society of the Army of the Potomac
G.A.R. Memorial Day
G. A. R. Memorial Day
Memorial Day G.A.R.
Frederick Loeser & Co. Department Store, Fulton Street.
A. D. Matthews' Sons' Department Store, Fulton Street.
Abraham & Straus' Department Store on Fulton Street.
[A & S.]
Grand Opera House, Brooklyn. N. Y.
First Annual Soiree of the Mozart Union & Literary Association