Debutante gown in ivory peau-de-soie with applied silver beads, rhinestones and iridescent sequins
Dress in chrome yellow and bright pink vinyl
Dinner dress of light brown organdy with white floral embroidery
Cloak in white satin damask with pink and white chiffon ruffles
Wrap cocktail dress in black poult de soie
Dress in tan silk and pink ribbed silk
Evening sheath dress in black poult de soie
Evening pajamas in bubble gum pink crepe-finished poult-de-soie
Day dress in vivid orange and acid green cotton cloque
Summer dinner dress and jacket in black and white gingham with lace overlay
Cocktail dress in black slubbed silk printed in pink, white and green rose pattern
Dress of white slubbed densely woven dotted cotton, with underdress and sash
"Floating Cloud" debutante gown in white peau d'ange
Dress in blue cotton printed in blue, white, pink and coral birthday motifs
Afternoon ensemble comprising coat and dress in rose pink linen
Dress in pink wool garbadine
Afternoon dress in multicolored floral motif printed on rose pink taffeta ground
Dinner dress in charcoal grey silk organdy
Evening dress in floral warp printed pink silk taffeta