G.A.R. Memorial Day
G. A. R. Memorial Day
Memorial Day G.A.R.
The Grant Monument Inaugural, April 27, 1897
General Grant
Monuments, Grant Monument Dedication. Gen. Grant's Statue on Horse.
Broadway and 13th Street [Broadway & 12th Street to Broadway & Madison Square]
Grand Army of the Republic. Memorial Exercises at the Academy of Music
Grant's Tomb - May 30, 1893.
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. 100th Anniversary Dinner.
Winchester Post, No. 197, G. A. R.
In Memoriam of the Funeral Obsequies of Ulysses S. Grant.
"Let Us Have Peace!"
Riverside Drive and 122nd Street [Reade Street to Suffolk Street]
148th Anniversary Banquet of the Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Not So Easily Played Upon.
[Winchester Post, No. 197, G. A. R. entertainment planned for February 14 at the Academy of Music.]
Columbia Class Day '92
Fifth Avenue [Fifth Avenue, 23rd Street to 39th Street]