566 5th Avenue. J.M. Gidding and Co. Building.
The Discomfited Drummers. A Tale of Duke of Durham Tobacco
A Changed Man
Building, E.M. Gattle Co. (Jewellers) 630 Fifth Ave.
Dutton & Rhodes
[Transformation of unidentified street from 1823 to about 1850.]
Manhattan Club Golf Tournament June 11th 1930
The Young Auctioneer
F. M. Webster
Frank's Railway & Steamship Ticket Office
What the "Peep O'Day" Alarm Clock Did!
New Home Sewing Machine Co.
568-70 Fifth Ave., 1915, 568 Gidding Bldg. Bet. 46th and 47th Sts.- W. Side.
F.S. Williams & Co.
A Kiss in the Dark.
Joseph J. Keyser Co., 225 West 36th St., Interior, Dress Making Factory.