The Union Volunteer.
The Story of the Fight.
Gustavus Lindenmueller, New York
Gustavus Lindenmueller New-York
[Certificate of membership for the Ladies Loyal Union League.]
[Common Council of the City of New York certificate commemorating Col. William D. Kennedy of the Tammany Regiment "Jackson Guard".]
History, Civil War.
The Gallant Charge of the Fifty Fourth Massachusetts (Colored) Regiment.
N.Y. Zouave
Company "G", 7th regiment, New York City Draft Riots
The Lexington of 1861.
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Banquet, Cabaret and Reception of the Acme Wheelmen of New York
The Storming of Fort Donelson.
The Great Victory in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., Sept. 19th 1864.
Christmas, 1863.
Battle of Coal Harbor Va. June 1st 1864.