At Home. Mrs. Williams and Daughters
Mrs. L. H. Clarke, at home.
16 Minetta Street, New York, View looking south west at (westerly) rear wall to 14 Minetta St. Showing cracks near north west corner, also shallow foundation
16 Minetta Street, New York City, View looking east from rear (westerly) wall to #14 Minetta St. Showing cracks over basement & first floor windows
14 Trinity Place, New York. Picture Gallery in Record Room 4th Floor
340 East 77th Street New York City - North front wall to rear buil[d]ing in courtyard - Back of 340 East 77th Street, view looking south
Sherry Netherland, Savoy Plaza Skyline from Central Park. From Hill at 85th Street. From Ritz to Plaza Skyline.
Grand Charity Performance in Aid of Kindergarten and Potted Plant Association
Gigantic Music Festival
Annual Dinner of the First Panel Sheriff's Jury
Vestry St. M. E. Church
Happy New Year. The Members of Pearl Hose Company No. 28 At Home
Mr. & Mrs. Hollingshead, at Home
Joe Zelli Announces the Opening of The Three Hundred Club
[Florence Stranahan Culyer's fourth birthday.]
36th Anniversary Entertainment & Reception of Magnolia Lodge, 166, I.O.O.F.
The New York Revels, Inc. Presents the Christmas Revels
Fancy Dress Ball, Cercle Francais de l'Harmonie
The Commodore Summer Garden Restaurant Opens June 18th for Luncheon, Dinner, Supper
Parlour Entertainment, Tableaux and Music, for the Benefit of the Deaf Mutes of St. Ann's Church