[Interior with machinery.]
[Interior, detail of air ducts.]
[Interior, radiator manufacturing shop.]
[Machine room.]
[Interior, boiler room.]
50th Street and 11th Avenue. Horn and Hardart Bakery, pressure meter, cast iron type.
[Interior, view of air ducts.]
[Interior, possibly a basement, with unidentified equipment.]
29th Street pier. S.S. Mobile City ship, Isthmian Line. Sump pump pipes
[Equipment detail, New York World's Fair.]
Meter Service Corporation. Electric meters, uncovered
Manhattan College. Interior, boiler room
Centre Street and Pearl Street. U.S. Federal Courthouse. Interior, detail of roof showing lead installations
[Interior of unidentified building, possibly a factory.]
[Factory building, structure on roof.]
533 West 57th Street. Pavelle Laboratories. Interior, photo lab. Construction view
[Heating control valve on 17th floor of unidentified building.]