[Interior with machinery.]
[Interior, radiator manufacturing shop.]
[Interior, detail of air ducts.]
[Interior, boiler room.]
[Machine room.]
[Equipment detail, New York World's Fair.]
[Interior, view of air ducts.]
50th Street and 11th Avenue. Horn and Hardart Bakery, pressure meter, cast iron type.
[Interior of unidentified building, possibly a factory.]
[Interior, possibly a basement, with unidentified equipment.]
29th Street pier. S.S. Mobile City ship, Isthmian Line. Sump pump pipes
Meter Service Corporation. Electric meters, covered
Meter Service Corporation. Electric meters, uncovered
Manhattan College. Interior, boiler room
Centre Street and Pearl Street. U.S. Federal Courthouse. Interior, detail of roof showing lead installations
[Factory building, structure on roof.]
533 West 57th Street. Pavelle Laboratories. Interior, photo lab. Construction view