[Interior, basement with air ducts.]
[Interior, detail of air ducts.]
533 West 57th Street. Pavelle Laboratories. Interior, detail of machinery and air ducts
[Interior, basement showing damage.]
[Interior, view of air ducts.]
[Interior, radiator manufacturing shop.]
19 East 72nd Street. Interior, laundry cubicle in basement
[Interior, possibly a basement, with unidentified equipment.]
851 Grand Concourse. Bronx County Courthouse. Interior, basement prison cell
Walker Lispenard Telephone Building, interior basement, 6" curved conduits, electric.
1285 6th Avenue. Equitable Life Assurance Society, vault interior, sub-basement.
30 Rockefeller Plaza. GE Building. Interior, basement looking southwest along south hall at barbershop
[Interior with machinery.]