[Interior, laundry.]
[Hospital. Interior, laundry.]
[Interior, laundry room.]
19 East 72nd Street. Interior, laundry cubicle in basement
183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabas Hospital, Home for Incurables. Interior, laundry and ironing
183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabas Hospital, Home for Incurables. Interior, laundry machinery
[Interior with machinery.]
[Interior, room with wicker chairs and telephones.]
[Residence. Interior, library.]
Laundry in Greenwich Village [Woman with a bag of laundry.]
Laundry in Greenwich Village [Woman getting laundry from a machine.]
Laundry in Greenwich Village [Woman holding a bag of laundry.]
Laundry in Greenwich Village [Man in front of laundry machines.]
Carolyn Laundry, 111 East 128th St., Interior, Wagon Painting Dept.
Laundry in Greenwich Village [Woman getting her laundry out of the machine.]
Laundry in Greenwich Village [Man in front of a laundry machine.]