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[Building with statues.]

[Building with statues.]

City Hotel, Trinity & Grace Churches

City Hotel, Trinity & Grace Churches

[Elevated view from roof looking toward East River.]

[Elevated view from roof looking toward East River.]

Fraunces Tavern, Broad Street

Fraunces Tavern, Broad Street

[Group of people riding in a vehicle.]

[Group of people riding in a vehicle.]

[Drawing of an Unidentified Building.]

[Drawing of an Unidentified Building.]

[Drawing of an Unidentified Building.]

[Drawing of an Unidentified Building.]

[Al Smith with another man and two women.]

[Al Smith with another man and two women.]

[Al Smith with friends.]

[Al Smith with friends.]

[Al Smith.]

[Al Smith.]

[Cityscape from an apartment window.]

[Cityscape from an apartment window.]

[Interior of unidentified church.]

[Interior of unidentified church.]

[Interior of unidentified church, view toward chancel.]

[Interior of unidentified church, view toward chancel.]

[Unidentified Shakespeare play.]

[Unidentified Shakespeare play.]

[Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle.]

[Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle.]



Portrait, Buffalo Bill (William Cody) on Favorite Horse.

Portrait, Buffalo Bill (William Cody) on Favorite Horse.

[Workers in an unidentified factory.]

[Workers in an unidentified factory.]





[Pedestrians in an unidentified cityscape.]

Accession number X2010.7.2.23455 
Unique identifier MN119218 
Description Reproduction of an earlier print. 
Dated ca. 1840-1870 
Object Type photograph
Physical dimensions H: 10 in, W: 8 in 
File dimensions 14.3 in × 18.3 in at 300dpi
36.4 cm × 46.5 cm at 300dpi 

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