Interior, manufacturing shop with boiler, oven and bags
[Interior, boiler room.]
447 West 38th Street. H.M. Smith. Interior, boiler
Franklin Street and Greenwich Street. B. Fischer and Co. Factory, boiler room.
153-159 West 15th Street. L. Davidsburg and Company. Interior, boiler
116 West 32nd Street. Milliner. Interior, boiler room
Manhattan College. Interior, boiler room
38 West 34th Street. G.M. Sadleir. Interior, boiler
Sixth Avenue. Boilers
153 Madison Avenue. Redlich & Company, silversmiths. Interior, boiler room
[Interior, boiler room showing fire damage.]
Ajax [Ajax Cloth Sponging Co.] Boilers
533 West 57th Street. Pavelle Laboratories. Interior, photo lab boiler room. Construction view
Greenwich Street. Trinity School, interior.
435 Hudson Street between Leroy and Morton. Nine-story loft, General Dye Stuffs Corporation.
Hudson Street. New York Central Freight Depot.