[Rendering of a building.]
[Rendering of a building at night.]
Proposed manufacturing buildings, watercolor rendering.
Watercolor rendering, sketch for seven-story building.
Building, rendering by Hughson Hawley, 1910.
Nine-story building, pencil rendering by [T.W.?] Cross.
[Rendering of a street corner with Pierre, Lucielle and Lerner stores.]
[Rendering of stained glass windows depicting Christian scenes.]
Watercolor rendering of new Masonic Temple.
Restaurant. Artist rendering
South Brooklyn. Ridder Building, watercolor rendering by Hughson Hawley, 1912.
Shively sanitary tenement, rendering.
Woolworth Building, watercolor rendering by Hughson Hawley.
Doty refrigerating building. Watercolor rendering by Hughson Hawley, 1912.
Watercolor rendering of apartment house.