Loading concrete blocks
[Men hammering at concrete block.]
Burning lead with torch
Woolworth Building. Concrete Mixer [Construction zone.]
49 Wyckoff Avenue. Final view of alteration job, four-story concrete [building].
[Night view of Gas Industries building, New York World's Fair.]
The torch of the Statue of Liberty as it will appear when completed on Bedloes Island.
Brooklyn Union Gas Co., Appliance Department. Upstairs general view.
New York Worlds Fair night views, Gas Exhibits Building.
[Firemen training with gas masks.]
Hunter Avenue. East River Gas Co., interior night view.
[Gas Industries display at the New York World's Fair.]
Watercolor of concrete warehouse by "F.G.S.", 1918.
114th Street and 3rd Avenue. Consolidated Gas Company, interior view of showroom.
Gas laboratory