[Interior, locker room with pay toilet stalls.]
[Interior, locker room with toilet stalls.]
[Interior, locker room toilet stall.]
[Interior, locker room shower stall.]
Manhattan College High School. Interior, locker room
[Interior, men's bathroom.]
Garment Center. South Bldg. Second Floor Woman's Toilet
Thomas S. Boyland Street and Blake Avenue. Betsy Head Memorial Playground. Interior, men's locker room
Franklin Street and Greenwich Street. B. Fischer and Co. Factory, men's lockers.
[Interior, bathroom towards bathtub.]
[Interior, restroom.]
[Interior, room with wicker chairs and telephones.]
[Interior, conference room.]
[Interior, dining room.]
[Restaurant. Interior, dining room with waiters.]
29 Broadway. Interior, restroom
[Residence. Interior, dining room.]